Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer To-Do List

Hey guys! It's been awhile, I know. I guess I needed some time off from blogging. But I'm back now. No worries!

Okay, so maybe it's just me, but once summer gets going I get lazy. Obviously, it's summer for goodness sake! After a while, though, the laziness starts to make me feel sick. Too much sitting around, watching the clouds blow past. After a few days of sitting, I get really antsy, and I'm sure my family can attest to this, I get in a horrible mood. And so, I have created a to-do list. Just a little something to keep my mind and body active so I don't go entirely crazy.

  • Get in touch with God - I've been feeling a little out of tune with my faith. After a years worth of public school, the swearing and abused morals wear on my nerves. I hope to use this summer to revitalize what I've lost.
  • Sign up for my second ever half marathon! I'm super excited about this one. Like I said before, totally addicted to the feeling of crossing that finish line. It's my drug. 
  • Write a hundred pages of a narrative. Don't laugh, but this one I attempt every summer. I'm just so spastic with my writing. As I'm sure you've all noticed. I can write a while story in my head but I can never seem to articulate it onto paper. Maybe this will be my lucky year summer.
  • Read at least ten fiction books. With this whole AP Lang class allowing me to only read nonfiction, I am totally fiction deprived. Completely. Plus, I just got a new stack of books! I've already read two.
  • Work a lot - which so far hasn't happened. Honestly, I keep trying to save my money, and then the next trip comes along, or I buy a new guitar, or I go crazy and buy a pair of TOMS. You know. All very important, break the bank type of stuff. So, I need to log some hours this summer; otherwise, I'll never get a car!
  • Visit the love of my life - Paris. Don't ruin my dream. It will happen. Just you wait.
So, what do you think? Is making a summer to-do list totally crazy? Or do you get as completely bored as I do? What's on your summer to-do list?

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