Sunday, August 12, 2012

Good Ol' Iowa State Fair

Let me begin by saying this: I am in no way, nor will I ever be a country girl. The Fair is a new world to my city-bred eyes. I had no idea cows were so big! And I made sure to cover my nose and mouth when we passed the pigs - you know, swine flu outbreaks and all. But really, I had a great time at the Fair. Apparently I've been there before? I can't remember anything but a giant pig that I was sure would swallow me whole had he the chance.

When you go to the Iowa State Fair, three fourths the experience is in the food. For real. Throwing caution to the wind, I leapt upon the chance to try greasy, deep fried dishes that are sure to stop your heart. If you ever get the chance to try fried macaroni and cheese go for it! No hesitation. Best decision I have ever made. Seriously good. That, and a German Chocolate funnel cake consisted of my dinner. I don't normally like funnel cakes, but my friend and I inhaled the entire thing in five minutes flat. Because if you're going to put cake in a funnel you might as well make it German Chocolate.

Now let me get to the real reason why, of all people, I ended up at the Fair. Concert. Yep. My first official, tickets-with-seating-on-them concert. And yes, it was Toby Mac. For those of you who live in a hole, Toby Mac is a Christian rapper artist who is totally awesome.

The other two bands that played were Jamie Grace, who is a fairly new artist, and Tenth Avenue North. You may know Jamie Grace's song Hold Me: 

She's pretty awesome too. When she was up on stage she was talking about getting some bad feedback for having love songs on her CD. Her response? Why shouldn't a twenty one year old, Christian girl write love songs? Why do they have to be about anyone other than God, who will always remain her first love? So awesome!

And then Tenth Avenue North took the stage and I went berserk. I love them so much! Their stories that they told while on stage stuck out to me the most. The lead singer talked about how you can't define yourself by your accomplishments. They weren't their songs or their talents, but God's People. Jesus' Children who He died for. Secular performers worship themselves while on stage. These guys - they were totally and completely giving their all for God. 

Sitting in the middle of the fairgrounds I was able to find God. In the midst of all the chaos of the world, I was able to worship God. It was so amazing. The whole time I was sitting there so thankful to have the opportunity to believe in the God who created me. We have the freedom to worship, and that is truly awesome. 

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