Saturday, July 30, 2011

Proving the Truth

Camp has a pattern to it; even though no two days are alike we have the same schedule every day, every year. This is fine with me because I like routine. I like knowing what I will be doing every second of the day. So my Wednesday morning started out a lot like Tuesday. The only difference was I woke up an hour earlier to play some volleyball.

Before I knew it it was already time for service. Pastor Rick talked about how the Bible can be proven as scientific fact using the Legal Historical Method of Proof. He used examples of oral testimony, written testimony, and exhibits and artifacts. Oral testimony can be proven true because millions of people have tried what Jesus said and have found happiness, peace, joy, purpose, and fulfillment in life. Written testimony is also true; there are over sixty prophecies in the Old Testament concerning Jesus and over 270 prophetic ramifications of Christ prophesied. For example: Isaiah 53 was written 700 years before the birth of Jesus. He told us that the scientific chances that 48 out of the 60 prophecies would be fulfilled perfectly was 1 in 10 with 157 zeros behind it. That is amazing! There are also many exhibits and artifacts that prove Christianity to be true. There have been many archeological discoveries that supported the Bible. The Jesus of the Bible is who He says He is!

Our group game that day was four square. I hadn't played that game since at least sixth grade. It was like a blast from the past and it was the only game our group won. We were so proud of ourselves.

That afternoon I went tubing again and again I thought, "Why do people enjoy this so much?" One of the girls on my boat said that tubing should be used as torture. That evening was the Camp Table Rock talent show and my youth group decided to do the Interlude dance with glow sticks. Everyone else was definitely jealous.

The service that night was rethink truth about violence. Pastor Rick showed us clips of different video games that enable you to violently kill people. He also showed us lyrics to hit songs that talked about violently murdering the innocent. I will tell you that after seeing that I am scared for my generation.

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.
1 Peter 3:15

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