Saturday, July 30, 2011

Seeing the Face of God

Thursday I decided to sleep in as long as I could. I was totally exhausted, as was everyone else. During the morning message I almost fell asleep. It was about how the Bible is different from any other book. It is unique in its continuity. The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years, over 40 generations, by 40 authors. The authors were kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, etc. and it was written in a variety of places including the wilderness, a dungeon, a palace, while traveling, and during military campaigns. It was written on three continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe. And in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. There are 24,633 surviving, handwritten manuscripts of the New Testament. How is it possible that it doesn't contradict itself? It is the holy, inspired Word of God.

The rest of the morning was the same as any other. After lunch there is a dunk tank and the people who win the group games the day before get to chose a leader to dunk. It was my team's turn to dunk someone. You have to hit the target from quite a distance and most people aren't accurate enough. I am proud to say that I hit the target and successfully dunked a youth leader.

Our group game was the obstacle course. The obstacle course is a game we do every year, and it is one of the hardest things I do at camp. First you have to hop through tires, then balance on a long, thin pole without falling off. There is a chain link fence that you have to climb; the easy part is getting to the top but once I get up there I can't seem to find an easy way to swing my body to the other side. It was especially hard this year because all of the metal was so hot that it burnt my hands. Once you get off of the fence you do monkey bars and slide through a tunnel. In order to get ten seconds off your time you have to throw a football through a hole. I made the football and ran back to the beginning as fast as I could. Our team didn't win that game.

For boating activities I went cliff jumping. The biggest cliff is around thirty feet (depending on the water level). I decided I would wait until senior year to jump off of that cliff. I jumped off the small one however, which is about as tall as a high dive at a pool. When you get to the top of the cliff you are afraid to jump because it looks like you will hit the rocks. I was scared at first but I flung myself off anyway and soon after climbed the cliff again.

Thursday nights are always the most powerful nights at camp. This year the speaker was a college student from Kentucky Mountain Bible College. He held a revival at my church a few months before and my youth group was especially excited to hear him speak. When he was finished he gave everyone the opportunity to "nail" their sins to the cross. When everyone was seated again we broke up into our small groups and went out onto the field to have communion. The stars shine brighter at Camp Table Rock and when you look at them after a service like that it is as if you are looking up into the face of God.

I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.
Acts 26:17-18

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