Thursday, May 24, 2012

To Be A Blogger

Bloggers are strange people. No one can say otherwise. To be a blogger you have to believe in yourself. But it takes more than that. You have to believe that others believe in you - and care enough to go to your page, frantically searching for your next post.

Ah yes, bloggers are the most egotistical and self-absorbed people you will never meet. In one of my favorite essays ever written by E.B. White, he wrote, "The essayist is a self-liberated (wo-)man, sustained by the childish belief that everything he thinks about, everything that happens to him, is of general interest." How much more true can he get? Besides, blogging is the modern form of essay writing. I take this quote to heart. I love E.B. White! "Only a person who is congenitally self-centered has the effrontery and the stamina to write essays." How wonderful! I will thoroughly embrace my self-centered-ness in an effort to keep your mind occupies, especially over the summer months.

Now if you don't mind, I must get back to my French homework. I have been procrastinating far too long.

"But when I am discouraged or downcast I need only fling open the door of my closet, and there, hidden behind everything else, hangs the mangle of Michel de Montaigne, smelling slightly of camphor."

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