Thursday, December 15, 2011

Beginning of Existence

Heartbeat. Toes, fingers; nails and all. Eyelids, sight for the first time. Ears, listening to your every word. A mind, an individual, a human. Heartbeat. The beginning of a life.

 . . . just a fetus??

Or is it a baby . . .

Fact: Half of pregnancies in the United States are unintended.
If everyone just waited until marriage to have sex this wouldn't be a problem. I'm not saying all of these pregnancies happened outside of marriage, but I'm sure a great deal of them did. I love the movie To Save A Life because it one of the stories in that movie is about a pregnant teenage girl. Amy doesn't want to disappoint her mother and so she decides to have an abortion. However, her boyfriend, Jake, decides that he doesn't want his child to die and he and Amy decide to give the baby up for adoption. I realize how hard it can be to be a pregnant teenager, but there are consequences for your actions, and a baby is one of the best things that could happen. There are so many options outside of abortion. Don't murder a child because you made a mistake.

Fact: One in ten women will have an abortion by age twenty, one in four by age thirty, and three in ten by age forty five. Twenty-two percent of pregnancies end in abortion.

Fact: Eighteen percent of women in the United States who get abortions are teenagers.
I wonder how many of those abortions are regretted later? Most of them I'm guessing. I'm trying not to make any judgments, really, but how can you kill your own child? I wonder how many of these teenagers tell their parents their pregnant before making the decision.   

Fact: About sixty one percent of abortions are obtained by women who have one or more children.
This is the most sad statistic I found. How could a mother kill her child when she already knows what a blessing they can be? I was reading stories about women who regretted having an abortion. One women said that she will regret it for the rest of her life. Another said that it hurts to know that she murdered her firstborn. Still another said, "I regret what I have done and I have to live with the fact that I killed an innocent child." Think before you act, you don't want to make a decision you will regret for the rest of your life

Fact: Worldwide, forty six million babies are murdered due to abortion. That's one baby every two seconds.
I watched a video a few weeks ago that compared abortion to the Holocaust. The film 180 begins with interviews with people off the street who believe that the Holocaust can be justified or deny that it ever happened. The interviewers go on to ask questions about abortion.  Ray Comfort, the narrator of this film, said that allowing Americans to have abortions is exactly like when Hitler had the sanctioned of the German people to kill the Jews. Some people might find this extreme, but the fact is that more innocent babies have been killed in American than Jews killed in the German Holocaust.

So what do you think? Is abortion justified? Or is it cold-blooded murder?

Information on abortion found here and here.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Grace, I agree with you that an abortion is the equivalant of a murder. But you are not going to reach the people who believe the "fetus"(child) isn't a person without an argument for why they(the children/"fetuses") are people. Without a resonable argument for Pro-life, you will push eople even father away from the truth. I do have a argument for why they are actual people. But... It's complicated. It uses a thought experiment (like Maxwell's demon and Schrödinger's cat). the thought experiment goes like this. A man has a time-traveling device, and a hypodermic needle filled with miscairrage inducing medicine. He does not like his neighbor. So he traveles back in time to when his neighbor's mother was pregnant with him/his fetus. The man injects the medicine into the would-be mother when she was asleep. Hours later, she miscarries the man's would-be neighbor. After stating this, ask the people/person your are talking to via online- did the man murder his neighbor? Even if they say no, I WILL cause them to doubt the belief that a fetus isn't a human.
    Good Luck!
    Nathom Hark Madmen XD
