Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Resolutions

Cliche, I know. New Years resolutions are often mocked because no one ever carries through with them.  But I think it's important to share your New Years resolutions, otherwise, they just become more broken promises to yourself. So I'm sharing mine with you, so you can keep me accountable.

1. Run a half-marathon: In May, I will be running thirteen-ish miles. Since the most I've ever run is seven consecutive miles, you can guess why I'm a little nervous. Plus, it's been three years since I was serious about running. But, as a good friend put it, I have to "get back on the horse" and make it God's race, not mine.

2. Eat less chocolate: Since I will be running this half-marathon, I figure I should cut back on chocolate, and any other sugar that I occasionally/frequently indulge in. This is going to be especially hard because I just received about a pound of m&m's for Christmas. Chocolate anyone??

3. Be a better friend: This one is really important to me. If I succeed at nothing else, I hope I can keep this resolution. I tend to hold grudges towards my friends. Obviously, I'm tired of being angry with them. So, I resolve to be a better friend and let go of the grudges.

4. Better grades: I'll admit, junior year has been really hard for me. I've never been an A plus student, but I know I can do better than what I've been doing. I'm going to study harder and do whatever it takes, but I will get better grades!

5. No more complaining: We all should work at this one. I think I'm a pretty positive, optimistic person. But sometimes I get a case of the blues and will go on forever about whatever and that needs to stop! No more complaining, not from you, not from me.

6. Re-defining beauty: Our society focus' so much on what beauty isn't. Let's focus on what beauty is. As Lindsay and Lexie Kite put it, 2012 is going to be the end of body hatred as we know it . . . AKA the body hate apocalypse.

7. Save my money: Now that I have a job (did I mention I have a job now?!) I am making a lot of mula . . . or just minimum wage, same thing. I'm pretty sure I've been shopping more in the past month than I had been all year! So it's time to save my money, both for a trip to France and for college. Did you notice how France comes first?

8. Drink more water: I am always drinking water during the summer and I always have to go to the bathroom. Since teachers never allow you to go to the bathroom during class (ahem!) I drink less and, therefore, am never hydrated. So I'm going to start drinking more water, I'll just have to walk a little bit faster in between class periods.

9. Save the planet: Now this one is for you too. Do your part. When you go to the grocery store, ask them not to use so many bags when bagging your items or, even better, bring those reusable grocery bags. Instead of buying plastic water bottles, buy reusable ones. Recycle everything! Pretty much everything is recyclable nowadays. Use energy efficient light bulbs and turn the lights OFF when you leave a room. Instead of constantly using your garage door, use the front door for once (if you're not taking a car, that is). Shorten your shower by a minute or five. Don't leave your car running! You'd be surprised by how much this can make a difference.

10. Make God number one priority: When I got back from camp at the end of the summer everything seemed so perfect. And maybe I don't need perfect but I've been slacking off on my time with God lately. So before any of that other stuff happens, God comes first.

Happy 2012 everyone! And no, the world is not going to end based on the Mayan calendar.
What are your New Years Resolutions??

1 comment:

  1. WOW what a lot of resolutions. To me, just the first one would be accomplishment enough!
