Thursday, March 8, 2012

Facing Your Insecurities

You probably wouldn't guess it, at least not now anyways, but I used to be the most insecure person in the world. Especially in middle school. Of course, everyone is insecure in middle school and it takes a lot of courage to overcome your insecurities. This might sound funny, but I think that that's how the whole "girl group bathroom thing" came to be. We were all to insecure to be seen walking alone, so of course we ask our "best friends forever" to come with us. Everyone is trying to fit in in middle school to the extent that we forget about who we are and who we want to become. I often wonder what some people could accomplish if they didn't feel the need to follow the crowd.

As the insecure middle schoolers enter high school, this is when we begin to notice that not everyone is a certain way; people are different, and sometimes it's okay to be different. Freshman year I stayed pretty quiet as I tried to judge what was considered normal. It wasn't until the last few months of the school year that I began to step outside of my comfort zone and make friends. And I regret that. I regret my inseurities to become friends with the people who I now consider, as my mother says, "my peeps."

So here's what I'm trying to get at. We all need to forget the titles and the names, we need to forget who's cool or popular and who's considered, if you will forgive me, "dirty." Because if we step outside of our confort zone and become who we want to be instead of who others see us as, then we could accomplish so much more!

For example, as you all know, I am currently training for a half-marathon. I can't imagine having the courage to do this a year ago. Not only is it uncomfortable for me to push myself to the limits I'm asked to in order to run 13.1 miles, but it's intimidating. So I take it one week at a time. Little victories. Isn't that a song?

Another way that I have stepped outside of my comfort zone is through this blog. I often worry that if I write about a certain topic I will offend people. But if I feel compelled to write about something, then I need to do it! So I have. And have gotten some negative feedback along the way. But that doesn't matter because I did what I needed to do.

What are you going to do today to step outside of your comfort zone?

1 comment:

  1. you claim you're trying to get at forgetting the titles, but yet you dont think its okay to allow "gays" at our school. You're hypocritical and you're rude. You have recieved negative feedback because of the fact that you aren't a very nice person. Work on the way you treat yourself before you decide to give anyone else might make you a "better christian"
