Wednesday, March 7, 2012

One Day Too Late

I can't believe I'm nearing the end of my junior year of high school. It seems like just yesterday that I walked through the doors and into the life of a high school student. As much as things have changed since that day, what hasen't changed is my faith. If anything, it's gotten stronger as I've struggled to share my relationship with Christ with my peers. The other day I was listening to the radio and the song One Day Too Late came on. I was mindlessly singing along when these lyrics hit me:

"Today, I'm gonna love my enemies, reach out to somebody who needs me, make a change, make the world a better place 'cause tomorrow could be one day too late."

Those words just stopped me where I was. I have a little over a year left in high school. There are so many people still searching for God and for hope. What am I doing to help them? As Christians, we have an opportunity to share God with those around us and we can't waste it. These lyrics, this song, is my new mission statement. Because I only have a year left of high school I have to live it out loud.

Lately I've been feeling like there's so much more I can do to show Christ to others. Be more respectful of . . . everyone, perhaps. Or always smile even when I don't feel like being "joyful." But no matter what happens, I'm going to try to live more like Jesus every day and hopefully it will be noticeable. 
On sort of a side note: I am so thankful that I am able to go to a public school. That sounds wrong, but it's true! Private school is great, but the opportunities I have in a public high school are so much more vast than those I'd have if I had gone to a private high school. Not to mention how much my faith has grown. I was able to discover God outside of a "Bible class" and understand the little ways he works miracles in the lives of others. I'm thankful for my private school education, I wouldn't trade it for the world, but I also would never trade my public high school experience. 

If you're a Christian in a public high school share you're faith. Forget about what people might call you, it's only four years of your life. Four years that you can live for God. Don't live it in regret. 

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