Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What Happens Here

After reminiscing for far too long I find myself to be in the company of family. We traveled an hour and a half down the road to say hello to my cousins - four boys who are entierly their own persons. What happens here, stays here.

Tomorrow we come home. After being gone for vacation for a month last year I had the misconception that two and a half weeks would be far too short a trip. Like I said, misconception. I am homesick. Terribly so. I can't wait to hang out on our grimy city beach lake with my friends. The ocean has no chance to better itself without companions to fill the mindless hours of sunshine. Enough mushy, heartfelt chatter.

It also doesn't help that I haven't had the chance to run during our vacation like I hoped to. I've been having trouble with my knee, so I decided to take the first week of vacation easy anyway. I stuck it out on the elyptical, which is always easier to focus on when you have a TV in front of you, and managed to get in a few hours of exercize over the first week of relaxation. It just went downhill from there. Our condo on the beach had a fee for using their gym. I find this to be totally ridiculous. did we not pay for a room? Give us someplace to exercize! Especially with all the fatty vacation food that everyone inhails. Although, a plus side to a condo is that we ate most of our meals in our room; therefore, we ate healthier than if we had been staying in a hotel. That doesn't include dessert, though!

I did finally get a treadmill before we arrived in Missouri. I ran two and a half miles before feeling like I was going to puke. Which was expected because we had just indulged in a regular cheesy, spicy, Mexican fiesta. Case in point, I'm ready to get home and run my little heart out. Wish me luck since I'm supposed to be in training again and expected to run seven miles Saturday. This might be a bad decision.

I hope your intentions to keep up a healthy lifestyle while vacationing turn out better than mine did. All well. I'm so close to home I can taste it!

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