Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sabbatical Day 24/San Fransisco

This morning we went to church in the city. This is the fourth church we have gone to while on Sabbatical and definitely the best. The music was unbelievable; the singers were astounding. If I lived in San Fransisco I would attend that church. After the service we went out to this great Italian restaurant and window shopped for a couple hours.

We made our way to the Lombard which is known for being the crookedest street in San Fransisco. It was so crowded that we just decided to park our vehicle and walk up the street to look down on the traffic. It was more like climbing the street however, because it was so steep. In order to walk up the street I had to walk parallel with the ground. The crookedest street was a one way brick road; it literally was s-shaped all the way down and had the most beautiful gardens along the side of the street. We walked down the other side of Lombard street and looked up at the cars that were slowly making there way down the crookedest street. It was kind of beautiful, actually, standing at the bottom of the hill looking up at cars and gardens.

We climbed out way back up to our car and found the cable car line. The cable cars are old street cars that run on cables right down the middle of the street. They were built because horses and buggies weren't able to make it up San Fransisco's hilly streets. We took a round trip on the cable car. Sometimes they are so full that people hang out the side in order to make room for others.

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