Monday, July 11, 2011

Sabbatical Day 32/Last Day at the Beach

I woke up to a cloudy morning. We had planned to leave for the beach after breakfast but decided to wait for the clouds to disperse before putting on our swimsuits. It was just before noon when we finally decided to just go with it and headed out to the beach for the last time together (at least for now). When we got there we were dazzled by warm sunshine! We had lunch on the beach and played in the surf all afternoon. The water was clear here but full of seaweed. I went to wave jump and was suprised by the seaweed that wraped itself around my legs. Yuck!

We met a pastor from Point Loma University for dinner so we had to leave the warmth of the beach and hurry to get ready for our last meal as a family during sabbatical. After a delicious dinner and great conversation we headed our separate ways. We are sitting in our Point Loma apartment and my mom, sister, and I are finishing our packing for our plane ride home.

It is sad to think that what we have been talking about for over six months has finally come and gone. We have had a good time together and as I sit here typing I realize that there aren't many family vacations left. I am so grateful that we have had this opportunity, no matter how homesick we have felt at times.

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