Thursday, July 21, 2011

Advice to a Teenager, From a Teenager

Yesterday my baby sister turned thirteen. Officially a teenager. I like to think that turning thirteen will automatically make you more mature but I'm afraid this isn't the case. Since the teenage years have just begun you feel invincible and inevitably do stupid things. So, my dearest Sister, in order that you don't make the same dumb mistakes I did this is my advice to you.

In the fall you will be starting your eighth grade year. Your class will be the kings and queens of the school. However, your superiority gives you a greater chance of doing something stupid. I know that you are, of course, the most brilliant of your class but the stupidity bug has no exceptions and no warnings to who he is going to bite next. Play it smart. Don't fall behind in studying because eighth grade is like a test for high school. How ready are you?

This next year might be a challenge. Everyone is insecure and trying to be someone they are not. Petty drama will spring up overnight and it will be impossible not to get involved somehow. Handle each situation with dignity (and talk to you big sister, because she knows best). Everyone involved will come around eventually and be best friends again.

Now my dear Sister, you may think that you will never in a million years be interested in the idiotic boys around you. In time you will want them to pay attention to you. I know, you're thinking that will never happen, but it is the curse of a young girl to be distracted by that thing that is a boy. Don't fear! They are more afraid of you than you are of them.

When you start high school the other kids may seem to have so much more "street smarts." This is their downfall. Embrace your innocence. Like the saying goes, "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil." If your teachers teach you information you don't agree with, learn it for the class and forget about it after the test. Simple logic. Try new things, get involved. Your high school years will be so much more exciting.

I know this advice might not seem valid coming from a girl who is only sixteen. Wisdom comes with age, something I do not have in abundance. However, I hope that you will take it to heart and come to me if you ever need anything.

From someone not much wiser than you,
Your Big Sister, Gracie Elizabeth

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