Saturday, October 22, 2011

Finding True Happiness

Happiness: 1. The agreeable sensation which springs from the enjoyment of good; that state of being in which his desires are gratified by the enjoyment of pleasure without pain; felicity; blessedness; satisfaction. 2. Good luck; good fortune.

Our society today, teenagers especially (sorry!), place their happiness in worldly things, items, activities, physical appearance, or sports, maybe even a lifestyle. When we can't obtain the new iphone four (is there an iphone five now?) or be the absolute best at our sport we tend to react negatively towards everything. "If I can't be the best at something I just won't try" or "If my parents won't buy me a car I'm just going to spend the rest of my existence hating them" or even "Since I'm not pretty enough or smart enough I'm just going to give up all together, life like a hobo, take the easy road out." Have you ever thought any of these?

My mother has often pointed out, and I know she's right, that I am so much happier when I'm getting ready for school in the morning when I feel pretty. Pathetic, right? And definitely not okay!

I know some people out there that are unhappy if, during their sport, they end up sitting on the bench for the whole game. It's hard to realize you're not the best, but at least you get to be a part of a team. I love that I can still be a part of my volleyball team, even though I don't get to start in a game.

Do electronics make you happy, really? I guess I can't really relate with this one. I know nothing about electronics! I mean, yeah, it would be awesome to have an iphone and I would greatly appreciate a new lap top (preferably one that isn't so incredibly slow) but I don't base my happiness on electronics. They aren't very reliable. Of course, if I feel pretty then I'm happy, so I have no room to talk.

If you place your happiness in your friends, you're going to be disappointed. Your friends are human. They make mistakes just like you do. They aren't perfect and they never will be. Stop blaming your unhappiness on them.

Unhappiness is different than sorrow, but sorrow can lead to unhappiness. If a loved one passes away you can feel great sorrow, but you can also be happy, especially if you know your loved one believed in Jesus and is in heaven. You don't have to let your sorrow be unhappiness because you know that they're in a better place and that you'll see them again soon. I realize it's hard when someone close to you is suddenly gone but you can't stop that from you living your life. You have to be able to find joy, even though it hurts.

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up." -Mark Twain

No matter how happy or unhappy you are right now, remember that whether you feel happy or not depends on YOU! No one else. You are responsible for your happiness.

Are you unhappy? Go do something about it!

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