Saturday, October 15, 2011

With(out) Feeling

I listen to the radio all the time. My favorite station is 89.1 or Air1; they always seem to play the right song at the right time.

The afternoon host, Brant, has his own blog, Brant's Blog (creative, I know). As I was reading a few of his posts I stumbled across Blessed are the Spiritually Bankrupt. I was instantly curious, of course.

He begins by talking about how great the feeling is when you can feel God right there, when you know he is with you and he never left you and he never will leave you. You think, "Wow, Brant, I wish I could feel that way," as he goes on to explain is thinking the exact same thing.

Now wait, this is a Christian radio host. He should be having God moments all the time! Apparently this isn't so. He calls himself spiritually bankrupt. Spiritually bankrupt, not because he doesn't believe, not because he doesn't love God, but because he just hasn't felt him. And he knows he isn't the only one out there.

And so do I, because I'm out there too.

I've had a few God moments. It truly is amazing to know that the Creator of the universe is speaking to you! However, I don't feel spiritual, like I supposedly should.

The definition of spiritual is relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical nature or matter; intangible, untouchable. But God isn't untouchable.

You don't have to be spiritual to be a Child of God. You don't have to get swept up in the moment of "powerful worship." If you aren't comfortable with worshipping, still participate, but also worship God in your own way. Worship doesn't mean just singing; you could play an instrument, dance, write a novel even, as long as it is worshipful to God.

Maybe even my friends, the ones who I look up to spiritually (and physically), my friends who I trust to always be in the "right" with God, maybe they aren't really spiritual either.

But they know he's there. And that's all that matters.

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