Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sabbatical Day 10/Getting Friendly with Grizzlys

Since the weather was predicted to be cold and rainy we decided to stay in town today. After church we went out to eat, since it was Father’s Day. Then we went to the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center.
This museum holds seven bears and eight wolves in captivity. These animals were all saved by this center and are very well taken care of. My favorite grizzly bear was Spirit. As the story goes, she was relocated to different wildlife habitats six times because she kept returning to the resort community of Whitefish, Montana to obtain food. Spirit was finally put in the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center in 2002. I was told that this grizzly is the only one that will sit near the fence and watch the people as they watch her. She was really adorable.
In a book called Grizzly Country, Andy Russell wrote, “The same wind blows across the plains to the east; the same waters flow down the valleys there, and the birds still nest and sing in the coverts. But there the song of freedom is muted now. It is not grizzly country anymore.”
After going to see the animals we went shopping for a while. There are some really neat stores in West Yellowstone; unfortunately everything is overpriced since we are in the National Park area. All in all, it was a very relaxing and uneventful day.

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