Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sabbatical Day 19/Sea Glass

It rained all day; this wasn't normal Iowa rain, it was rain that swirled and misted and rose up from the ground. Persistent cold sparkles of rain that made their way to your pores and settled themselves into your bones. It was dreadful! And therefore, a sluggish day.

We didn't leave the house until early afternoon, when we went to the sea glass museum. I didn't learn much except the fact that it takes twenty to thirty years for glass to become "sea glass." Basically, it is trash that has been thrown into the ocean and turns up on the shore as treasure. Sea glass truly is beautiful and there are so many different colors; the most rare color is a shade of purple.

We left the museum and strolled the town for a couple of hours (yes, in the rain). While walking aimlessly we came upon a huge tree trunk that had been propped up on its rim for all the world to see. When I saw huge I mean huge! It was an old redwood tree that had been cut down for reasons unknown to me. It was over 1,000 years old, twenty two feet across, and some hundred feet tall. That was about the extent of our adventures today and we are all hoping it doesn't rain again.

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