Monday, June 27, 2011

Sabbatical Day 15/California

After another day of driving, we finally arrived in California today. We are staying a week in the tiny town of Fort Bragg. We are staying in a garage that was renovated by an elderly couple to house pastors and their families when they are on vacation.
It is beautiful where we are staying; the house, I mean. The town is a little shabby but it has many unique stores that we are excited to snoop around in. The house, like I said, is a renovated garage. It has a bedroom/living room and a good sized kitchen. My sister and I are fortunate to sleep in a loft. Our loft overlooks the whole house and there are two twin beds, which we are both excited about.
On our way here, the temperature was in the upper eighties and sunny and I thought to myself, “This is going to be a great week. We can sit on the beach and get a tan and find sea shells in the water.” Well, we continued on our way and slowly, but steadily, the temperature dropped. It is now fifty degrees here. I am heartbroken. I was told by a local that the temperature rarely gets above seventy. We are going to make the best of it anyway and go see tide pools, where we shall find crabs, sand dollars, and starfish, and also we will go to see seals, which I heard were around here somewhere.
When we got here I insisted that we walk the beach, no matter how cold it got. After unpacking and buying more groceries than we have ever eaten in a week, we finally were able to stop at the beach. The sun was setting and the waves were crashing down but I decided to go out to the water anyway. It was so beautiful and the ocean called to me, I wished it was warm so I could lie down on the black sand (yes, the sand is black!). I kept walking and before I knew it I saw a big wave rolling in. You know what happened next. I was soaked! My jeans were heavy with sand and salt water and I couldn’t feel my toes because it was so cold. Let me tell you, I have never felt more alive.

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