Monday, June 27, 2011

Sabbatical Day 14/Salt Desert

We are staying the night in Reno, Nevada. No one is looking forward to a third day of driving but we are so thrilled that the weather is warm here. We are headed for Fort Bragg, California where we will be staying for a week.
On our way to Reno, we noticed that along the highway it was white, like snow. I looked at the dash and saw that the temperature read 82 degrees. Can’t be snow, right? Well we just had to stop and see what the blanket of white was and how far it went. We stopped at a rest stop and walked out to a sea of salt. Literally. The land was covered in salt as far as the eye could see. It was unlike anything I have ever seen before. We all walked out a ways and it stuck to our feet and our legs and sucked all the moisture out of our skin; a desert of salt.

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