Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sabbatical Day 4/Custer

Things we learned today: never start a hike without knowing how far you're going; never underestimate how quickly the weather can change; keep an extra pair of shoes in the car at all times.

We got up early this morning with the intent on seeing wildlife in Custer State Park, and wildlife we did see! The first animal we saw was a pronghorn deer, which looks a lot like an antelope. We later found out that they can run at 40 miles per hour or faster for great distances. Prairie dogs are also numerous and we were able to see their little "village" all along the side of the road. They look a little like chipmunks but a whole lot cuter. I wanted to take one home with me. Once we passed the prairie dogs we soon came across burros. Burros look like donkeys but are friendlier. These animals came right up to our car window and stuck their heads inside our vehicle! They even let us pet them; their nicknames are begging burros. They were so adorable. We also saw buffalo again today; there are 1400 buffalo in Custer State Park during the summer months.

We took a picnic lunch at a lake; after lunch my father and sister fished while my mother and I explored the mountainside. We weren't gone long before we decided to head back and wait for the rest of the family to join us. We ended up on a strenuous hike along a stream. My mother said that she would never underestimate the meaning of the word strenuous again! It started at the top of a waterfall and we were literally walking down the waterfall, holding on to the manmade railing for dear life. I'll have to admit that it was enjoyable trying to get around the water and searching for the safest and driest route.

Two hours later, when we were finally back at the lake my father grilled the fish that he and my sister caught (chicken for me, I hate fish!) and we ate a quick dinner before a storm rolled in. We got back to the cabin exhausted yet satisfied from the hike.

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